Settling in to Durham

We arrived on very little sleep over three days, with grumpy cats in tow. But the house was ready for us and we started to make it into our new home for the next year!

The cats took it well, but this poem helps us understand their perspective:

But Greta definitely enjoys the view of the Cathedral!

We spent the weekend getting the house in order and furnished our kitchen!

Then we went out for a lovely walk around town and enjoyed a beautiful day!


  1. Glad you arrived in one piece! What a super time you will have…enjoy every minute, I envy you both! Keep up the posts.

  2. What a view! Love your blog posts. How is the weather? We are blanketed in smoke. You got out at the right time,


    1. It’s humid and a bit drizzly, but pushing 70 degrees or so. Yeah, the view is something else, but we have to walk up a very steep street to get home. Then again, all of Durham is a steep street, so may as well have the view!

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