Lumiere 2023!

Lumiere is a Festival of Lights that moves between London and Durham every other year, and we were lucky that it was in Durham this year! There are art installations based on light technologies all over the city for a long weekend. Thousands of people come to Durham to see it. A number of the installations involved moving projections of light onto the large historic buildings in town like the Castle and Cathedral.

The Castle:

The Cathedral and Palace Green:

Market Square:

The Magdalene Steps covered in mirrors:

The Riverwalk:

Mary the Less Church and Floating Orbs on the Bailey:

And in Millennium Place on the display titled “On Blank Pages” where people could write notes to the community…

Deb left a particularly American message: “For a good time call Jenny: 867-5309″ by Tommy Tutone:


  1. I am not surprised by Deb’s message- but it is very funny. How fortunate you were able to enjoy this lovely event in Durham!

  2. Oh, I am so happy you got to see Lumiere! It looks amazing! That bottle rack by Ai Wei Wei is such a whimsical but really interesting re-interpretation. (I saw it on the website). Deb, of course you want us to call Jenny : )

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