A Day in Edinburgh, Scotland

Edinbugh Scotland is our Happy Place!

While there for the Tattoo we spent several hours wandering around the City, trying to see places and things we haven’t really seen before.

We walked along Flodden’s Wall and up to Greyfriar’s Kirk and cemetery.

The Kirk cemetery has lots of history. Including these “mortsafes“, structures built over graves to prevent the bodies being stolen and used in medical lectures. The cemetery is right across the street from the Medical School. Just sayin’……..

It’s a very old cemetery right along the medieval Flodden’s Wall.

Right outside the Kirk is the great pub Greyfriar’s Bobby! According to lore, when the Bobby (i.e., policeman) died, his dog sat by his grave for 14 years, guarding it. To commemorate this, a statue right outside the cemetery was placed in the dog’s honor. If you touch his nose it brings you luck!

Edinburgh is a magnificent city!

Edinburgh Castle in the evening sunlight…..

…. and lit up at night after the Tattoo

And of course, our favorite pub in Edinburgh, the Last Drop, where Deb hung out when she was in school here!


  1. Looks really beautiful. I can’t believe how many adventures you’ve had already! So fun to see them!

    1. Hi Karen! Yes trying to balance work and adventures! A year is a long time, but it’s also the blink of an eye! 😉

  2. Dave, Deb,

    We are at happy hour in Florida reviewing all your posts. What an amazing adventure!! We are so happy that you are enjoying this experience so much, but we missed you this summer!! Please let us know when you will be home and we will keep checking in here. All our very best and stay safe!! Adam & Stacey Oshrin

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