Author Dan Brown meets Monty Python in Durham

For those of you who are fans of Dan Brown’s novels, you know he connects seemingly meaningless historical lore to “signs” all around us. For those of you who are fans of Monty Python, you’ve no doubt seen the Holy Grail and know of the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch.

Right near us is this pub:

The Holy GrAle! Nice place, good beer.

Right across the street is this church:

St. Margaret’s of Antioch! We’re pretty sure the Holy Hand Grenade is in a crypt somewhere in the basement!

(image from


  1. And there was Much Rejoicing…YAY! (in the Saratoga winner’s circle all those years ago.) Named one of her foals Airspeed Velocity (of an unladen swallow) because the Holy Hand Grenade reference was rejected by the jockey club.


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